Production Version: 4.0.645

All requests must be authenticated to function, by use of the api key style.

Method CMD Properties CMD Properties Response
Assign Subscription assign_subscription
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • StudentNickname
  • Password
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • studentNickname
  • password
Reactivate Subscription reactivate_subscription
  • ExpiredSubId
  • SubscriptionId
  • Username
  • expiredSubId
  • subscriptionId
  • userName
Boolean and Message
Login Parent loginparent
  • Username
  • Password
  • Product
  • userName
  • password
  • productcode
Boolean and Student/Subscription Info
Get lessons getLessons
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
Boolean and Lesson data with answers
Get Table gettable
  • TableName
  • CourseNumber
  • Product
  • tableName
  • courseNumber
  • productcode
Boolean and table data determined by requested table name
May Assign may_assign_student
  • StudentFirstname
  • StudentNickname
  • SubscriptionId
  • sfirstName
  • studentNickname
  • subscriptionID
Boolean and a message code for determining the assignment status for the sub and student.
Change Password change_password
  • StudentId
  • Password
  • studentID
  • password
Update Student Nickname update_student_nickname
  • StudentId
  • StudentNickname
  • studentID
  • studentNickname
Update Problem parent_problem_update
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • ProblemSetId
  • ProblemId
  • Grade
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • problemSetID
  • problemID
  • grade
Lesson Priority List check_lesson_priority
  • ParentEmail
  • Product
  • StudentIds
  • parentEmail
  • productcode
  • studentIDCol
List of priorities divided by the given student id collection
Lesson Delete delete_lesson
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • ProblemSetId
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • problemSetID
Pause Subscription pause_sub
  • ParentEmail
  • SubscriptionIdCollection
  • PauseEnd
  • parentEmail
  • subscriptionIDCol
  • pauseEndDate
Boolean and a list of pause responses
Problem Delete delete_problem
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • ProblemSetId
  • ProblemId
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • problemSetID
  • problemID
Student Submit Answer submit_student_answer
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • ProblemSetId
  • ProblemId
  • UserAnswer
  • CorrectAnswer
  • TryNumber
  • TimeAnswered
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • problemSetID
  • problemID
  • userAnswer
  • correctAnswer
  • tryNumber
  • timeAnswered
Submit Student View submit_student_view
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • Type
  • ProblemSetId
  • ProblemId
  • TimeViewed
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • type
  • problemSetID
  • problemID
  • timeViewed
Student Create create_student
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentFirstName
  • StudentNickName
  • StudentLastName
  • Password
  • Gender
  • DateOfBirth
  • parentEmail
  • sfirstName
  • studentNickname
  • slastName
  • password
  • gender
  • dob
Student Create Assign Subscription create_student_and_assign_sub
  • ParentEmail
  • SubscriptionId
  • StudentFirstName
  • StudentNickName
  • DateOfBirth
  • Password
  • parentEmail
  • subscriptionID
  • sfirstName
  • studentNickname
  • dob
  • password
Free Trial Upgrade freetrialupgrade
  • FreeTrialSubscriptionId
  • FreeTrialUpgradeSubscriptionId
  • freeSubId
  • fullSubId
Boolean and Data on the subscription
Remove Free Trial remove_free_trial
  • SubscriptionId
  • ParentEmail
  • subscriptionID
  • parentEmail
Boolean and data on the targeted subscription
Send Log sendlogtoserver
  • Code
  • Log Description
  • Username
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • LTI
  • EventDate
  • Client
  • logCode
  • logDescription
  • userName
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • lti
  • eventDate
  • client
Send Debug Log send_debug_log
  • Log Description
  • Code
  • logDescription
  • logCode
ID of record created. Any response of 0 is a failure.
Clear Lessons clearLessons
  • ParentEmail
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • ProblemSetId
  • parentEmail
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • problemSetID
Get Subscription Info getsubinfo
  • ParentEmail
  • Product
  • Appversion
  • parentEmail
  • productcode
  • appVersion
Boolean and student/subscription data for the requested parent and product.
Sync lesson grade data getLessonGradeData
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • LessonSyncData : This is a string representation of a json list of objects which match the following { LessonNumber:int, Timestamp:long}
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • lessonSyncData
Boolean and list of missing or newer records to update on the device
Sync quiz grade data getQuizGradeData
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • LessonSyncData : This is a string representation of a json list of objects which match the following { QuizNumber:int, Timestamp:long}
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • lessonSyncData
Boolean and list of missing or newer records to update on the device
Save Preferences save_preferences
  • SubscriptionId
  • Product
  • Preferences
  • FlashTimestamp
  • subscriptionID
  • productcode
  • pref
  • flashTimestamp
Boolean and the updated subscription data
Get Sketches getsketchdata
  • SubscriptionId
  • StudentId
  • Product
  • Lti
  • subscriptionID
  • studentID
  • productcode
  • lti
Boolean and the requested sketch data
Save Sketches save_sketch
  • SubscriptionId
  • StudentId
  • Product
  • Lti
  • FlashTimestamp
  • SketchSaveData
  • subscriptionID
  • studentID
  • productcode
  • lti
  • flashTimestamp
  • sketchSaveData
Boolean and if server data is newer than it will contain that new data record.
Submit Bonus Round submit_bonus_round
  • StudentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • BonusRound
  • ProbsCorrect
  • FlashTimestamp
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • bonusRound
  • problemsCorrect
  • flashTimestamp
If the submission was successful, returns the string “OK [points]” where [points] is the number of bonus points the student earned. Possible values 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Change Parent pass change_parent_pass
  • parentId
  • currentParentPass
  • newParentPass
The endpoint will return the string OK if the password was successfully changed, or ERR [Description of error] if unsuccessful.
Forgot Parent pass forgot_parent_pass
  • parentEmail
The endpoint will return the string OK if the reset email was successfully sent, or ERR [Description of error] if unsuccessful.
Sync Sketch Data syncSketchData
  • subscriptionID
  • studentID
  • productcode
  • sketchSaveData
The endpoint will return a response message with a sketchdata containing an object with product, studentId, subscription, and a list of sketch data records in a format for flash.
Get Parent Email getparentemail
  • parentId
The endpoint will return a response message with the current email of the given parent Id.
Get App Info getAppInfo
  • productcode
The endpoint will return a response message with a course data object containing MinVersion, Product, NewVersion, LTI, ID, Appendix values.
Reset Bonus Grade resetBonusGrade
  • studentID
  • subscriptionID
  • bonusRound
The endpoint will return a response message with an ok or error message if the functional call is successful on database.
Verify ETags VerifyEtags
  • ETAGS - csv string
  • etags
The endpoint will respond with a return of count of etags and a list of etags not found in the database.
Verify Wallpapers VerifyWallpapers
  • IDCSV - csv string
  • CourseNumber
  • idcsv
  • coursenumber
The endpoint will respond back with a flag if data should be updated and include the required data to insert. Ids in the csv will be excluded from the return and only matched non-passed in records will return in the data structure.
Subscription Permissions getSubscriptionAccess
  • ParentId
  • SubscriptionId
  • parentId
  • subscriptionID
The endpoint will respond back with a data object with permissions inside it. These permissions will include edit, view, and an informative message.